For some people, the winter solstice is the first day of winter; for other people, it’s the darkest day of the year, and in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s considered the most Yin day of the year.

Yin energy is cool, dark, reflective and nourishing. It’s a time for introspection.

On December 21, the Yin energy is at its highest and strongest position, and Yang is at its lowest. On December 22, the yin power will begin to fade slowly, and the newly charged yang energy will emerge. This shift does affect us, and that may be why you feel tired and sluggish.

Here are a few simple Yin-nourishing things you can do:

  • Get some self-care like a massage, soak in a warm bath, sit in front of a fire, or take time for yourself to do some deep gentle breathing.
  • Do some slow, gentle exercises like Qigong, Tai Chi, gentle yoga and balance the exercise with meditation.
  • Eat less cold raw food and more warming foods, such as hearty soups, stews, beans and lentils.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Get to bed earlier. When you are sleeping, your body is regenerating and detoxing, thus keeping you healthy.
  • Take some time to think about what is most nourishing to you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Notice any obstacles to you getting nourished in these 4 areas. Notice then ask for help to transform them into a new way of viewing them.
  • At this time of the year, I like to reflect on the prompts in “Unravel Your Year” created by Susannah Conway. ( It’s a good reminder of the gifts and challenges that appeared as well as a chance to let my imagination soar for the year ahead.
  • This is a prime time to connect with the people and things that feed your soul. Do what makes your heart sing, brings a smile to your face and makes you feel great.

The darkest days and longest night may be with us now, but lift your gaze to the heavens knowing that the sun rises tomorrow and light is returning with strength and brightness.

May you have a joyous Winter Solstice.

With love, joy and gratitude,