Expect the unexpected!
BE WARNED, this is a long one!
Not many things rattle me! This past couple of weeks, I discovered some things that did.
Life is the flow of events and energy over which we have little or no control. I also sense that far more challenging events are happening more frequently now than they were in the past.
Do you feel the same way? 🤔
The first event that rocked my world was the wildfires in Jasper Park and the town of Jasper. It felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. Jasper has always been my go-to place to unwind and recharge. I know this is the same for many of you reading this.
Waiting to get news felt like a lifetime.
Personally, I have a great respect for fire, not out of awe but out of fear. If I were to say I had one fear, it would be raging fire.
On the upside, I look forward to returning to sit in the healing energy of the mountains. That may take a while, but in the meantime, I can be still and energetically take myself to those special places in the mountains. We all can do this. It will not only help us ease our grief and pain but also help the earth’s energy. She begins to heal when we connect with the earth’s energy in place of destruction.
Where is your special place in Jasper? 🏔
Make time to go energetically to any other place in Alberta, BC or the world where Earth is wounded! She is a fast healer, and we can help her. After all, she is our Mother Earth.
A second unexpected event happened just as I was rebalancing my energy. This one rattled as few things can.
I was in a minor car accident: really just a fender bender, but enough to shake me up and open my eyes.
Last Saturday, I was returning home from a visit with my friends. It was a glorious Saturday. I planned to drop off my groceries and go for a long walk. Well, that didn’t happen!
Expect the unexpected!
Not too far from my home, just as we were slowly moving across an intersection, the SUV in front of me abruptly stopped. There was no warning. I slammed on the brake but skidded into the vehicle. For a second or two, I sat stunned.
I have been in accidents, but never with me driving. It is said there is a first time for everything! I wasn’t ready for this one.
What had happened was that a car three cars ahead of us stopped suddenly. The vehicle in front of me sensed the other car stopping and stopped.
You read right; sensed the stopped car!
The driver told me that the new cars have built-in sensors to stop a car if it senses an unexpected stop in traffic. The driver had no control. He couldn’t use the brake or gas pedal. If he could have, perhaps I wouldn’t have hit him.
AI in control of your vehicle…scary!
All this rattled me!
The subsequent rigmarole involved the AMA, the police, the firefighters (NO, there was no fire, but there was leakage from the radiator), the insurance company and the new Collision Reporting Centre. All of this took four and a half hours.
However, there was a silver lining.
The man whose vehicle I hit was a good Samaritan or an angel in disguise. He apologized profusely, as he knew his vehicle had caused the accident. He stayed with me the whole time, walking me through each step and checking on me, as I was obviously shaky and had no idea what to do. After all the details were taken care of, he drove me home.
This world does have some truly wonderful people in it.
I’m not prone to anger or fits of rage as they only make matters worse, but I discovered I can be rattled. Being rattled makes one confused. I am so blessed had someone help me through it all.
Learning about AI-controlled cars firsthand opened my eyes. AI cars and electric vehicles do scare me. In my personal opinion, neither is safe.
Being caught up in life’s ongoing, rapidly changing events showed me that I can still be shaken up, knocked into a confused state, and yet still see the silver lining in it all. It also opened a window for me to experience the amazing generosity of another human and learn about dangers I need to be aware of.
Expect the unexpected!
This isn’t a warning but rather an acknowledgement that life is a series of constant changes over which we have little control. We may be unable to control the changes, but we can prepare ourselves internally.
Make time every day to be still, eyes open or closed—it doesn’t matter. Don’t do anything but sit quietly and be aware of what is happening internally and externally.
This is not a meditation, ritual, or spiritual practice. It’s a way for your whole being to stop, go inward, and rest, a way to tap into your inner guidance and see what shows up. Some of the best solutions to problems show up this way.
It can also be done anywhere, even when you’re on hold for a long time with an insurance company.
Take care, my dear friends.
With love, joy and gratitude,