The Earth Awakens!
The earth slowly awakens beneath the frost and snow, whispering and calling to us. Rise! Rise! Can you feel it or hear it?👂🏻 Be still! Feel the pulse! It may be very cold outside today, but under the layer of deep freeze, something is stirring. Each...
December is the month that whispers of endings and beginnings, of reflections and new dreams waiting to unfold. It’s a time for wintering. What do I mean by wintering? 👉 Does it mean doing nothing, just lazying around? 👉 Does it mean you cut yourself off from...
Sanctuary Amidst Chaos
November slipped in quietly, and I missed the day of her arrival. I’m not sure about you, but I have found that days, weeks, and months fly by rapidly. I ponder: Is it age? Is time speeding up, or have the energies ramped up? I honestly don’t know. Everything seems to...
Expect the unexpected!
Expect the unexpected! BE WARNED, this is a long one! Not many things rattle me! This past couple of weeks, I discovered some things that did. Life is the flow of events and energy over which we have little or no control. I also sense that far more challenging...
Resilience! Humans are very resilient! Don’t believe me? Look back on your life to all the obstacles, calamities, losses, and disappointments that have occurred. And yet, you overcame them. You survived, and you thrived despite all that. Writing my book “My...
Life Is Not A Waiting Room
How was March for you? Did it feel a little off balance? Was it not your usual self, worrying about what might be? Perhaps the past was rising up for you to examine. If that’s how you felt, you weren’t alone. This is what it felt like for me. Yes, you read that...
Heralding The Arrival of Spring!
There is a shift in energy heralding the arrival of spring! Have you noticed? I have! I have more energy, my smile is brighter, and my body wants to be outside. How do you feel the change in energy? The days are longer, the air has a different feel to it, the snow is...
Dragon Energy is Rising.
Dragon energy is rising. Can you feel it? February 10th is Chinese New Year, and it ushers in the year of the Wood Dragon. A powerful year of change and transformation. Dragons and dragon lines (earth grid lines) have been around for millions of years. The Dragon...
Endings and Beginnings
This is the time of year when many are reflecting on endings and beginnings.
Are you one of those looking back and taking stock of the pluses and minuses of 2023? I used to, but I don’t anymore.
Winter Solstice
The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was…