I don't know. Three little words that are liberating.

There is a shift in energy heralding the arrival of spring!

Have you noticed? 

I have!

I have more energy, my smile is brighter, and my body wants to be outside. How do you feel the change in energy?

The days are longer, the air has a different feel to it, the snow is melting, and people smile more. We are gradually coming out of winter’s slumber and ready to start with new ideas, projects and creations. It’s the in-between time between winter and summer.

Spring is a time of creation and development. This is nature’s birthing season when the sap begins to flow upward in the trees, trees begin to bud, pussy-willows appear, flowers begin to poke to the surface, and there is a sense of new life all around us.

This is a good time of the year to look at our lives and do some internal and external spring cleaning!

Internally, what are you holding on to that no longer serves you? Is it time to let it go? Where in your life do you need to make adjustments so you can move forward? Where do you feel stuck? If you need help to get unstuck, reach out to me or someone you trust.

Externally, open the windows and doors to let the airflow through your home. Wash your windows; they are the lungs of your home. Clean your oven, fridge and cupboards. Get into all the corners of your house and clean out the stuck energy trapped in the corners. Spring cleaning is not an old wives’ tale. It’s necessary to keep the flow of Qi moving in your home, which will help to keep the energy flowing within you.

As a time of birthing and creativity, many get the seed catalogues out and with fingers itching to feel the soil, they plan their gardens. For others, it’s getting ready to open the summer cabin, cleaning out the motor home or dusting off the camping gear. Maps for mountain hikes come out, and anticipation grows waiting for the opening of camping registrations. The energy of new adventures invigorates us.

It’s also a time for nurturing the seeds of new projects, following through with ideas that began to germinate the winter, and taking steps for a new beginning, whatever that may be.

As you make your plans, be careful not to plan over. Be sure to leave some room for spontaneity and the unexpected. Often, these unplanned scenarios guide us in a direction of new ways of seeing, feeling and being. Welcome them!

It’s a time for dreams to bloom.

Go ahead and let your imagination run wild; you never know what awaits in the field of possibilities.

Spring Equinox falls on March 19th this year. The equinox symbolizes balance and harmony. It’s a time when the yin and yang energies are equal for a short period of time. For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the first day of Spring. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the beginning of Fall. This phenomenon happens at the same exact moment in every location worldwide. The whole world is in balance.

For many of us, one of the first signs of spring is pussy-willows. I discovered this story on the Facebook page “Spirit of Old” and would like to share it with you.

Pussy Willows

According to an old Polish legend, a mother was crying at the bank of a river in which her kittens were drowning.

The willows at the river’s edge longed to help her, so they swept their long, graceful branches into the water to rescue the tiny kittens who had fallen into the river while chasing butterflies.

The kittens gripped on tightly to their branches and were safely brought to shore. Each springtime since goes the legend, the willow branches sprout tiny fur-like buds at their tips where the kittens once clung.

I hope you enjoyed this legend as much as I did.

With love, joy and gratitude,