I don't know. Three little words that are liberating.

How was March for you? 

Did it feel a little off balance? Was it not your usual self, worrying about what might be? Perhaps the past was rising up for you to examine. 

If that’s how you felt, you weren’t alone.  This is what it felt like for me. 

Yes, you read that right!  I, too, have days when I am off. 

In fact, right now, I feel like I’m at another crossroads in life. I’ve had quite a few of these, so I know this feeling well. With these changes, it is natural to have some fear and uncertainty pop up. 

Some of the things that arose were thoughts about age. I guess that’s what happens when one is at the end of another decade. Age is an arbitrary number that, for me, has little meaning. Vitality and quality of life are much more important. 

Then there is the issue of having to move. I know it shouldn’t be difficult for me, as I have moved home more times than most people. But it feels different this time, as there are more things to consider. After allowing the noise to filter through, I flipped the switch to bring back my curiosity. Let’s see what we find!  

The trick is not to get stuck in those energies.  This is where Qigong and my past experience help me.  

When heavy thoughts percolate up, I let them.  After all, they are just thoughts, and I’m not even sure they are mine. I sit with them for a bit, pause, bring my focus to my body/heart and take a long, gentle breath through my nose, letting the breath lift my torso. I hold it for a second and then gradually let the breath slide out of my nose while my body moves down, relaxing all the way down to my feet. A couple of these breaths bring me back to inner calm.  Try it and see for yourself. 

A few weeks ago, I came across the passage below during a low patch. It was exactly what I needed at that moment! It reminded me of what I already knew, and I wanted to share it with you today. 

Let me know how it speaks to you.  


What if you didn’t wake up tomorrow and your soul is watching down thinking of all the things you didn’t get to do yet because you were too scared, or too shy, or too worried about money. And all the things you told yourself you weren’t good enough for, swam in front of your eyes, fighting for a place in the line, beside the words you didn’t say and the joy you forgot to have.

My friend, there is absolutely no room for anything in your day, other than acceptance. You will never have enough money, or time, and you will certainly never have that perfect body the world told you you need to be happy.

And before you say it’s too late to embrace this thing we call life, no it is not. You can do it right where you are. Right this minute. Get outside, breathe, look at the trees, put your bare feet on the grass – hand on your heart to feel that pulse – and that’s it.

You’re living.

Keep that up.

Wait up for the moon sometimes or get up early to see a sunrise, just because.

Jump in the lake. 

Run and skip.

The things you need to feel alive are free and all around my friend.

You just have to see them!

Let in opportunity and say yes to the invitations that scare you a little, in a good way.

Say no to some of the things you force yourself to do, knowing they rinse you of your peace.

Life was never supposed to be a waiting room, it was supposed to be a hillside, with paths leading in every direction and mountains as far as the eye can see, hiding adventures and new friends behind them.

Don’t let yourself get to the end of this ride without having stopped to smell those beautiful roses.

That’s the only thing you need to fear in this life.

Everything else is all part of it.

It’s all just a messy, complicated, beautiful and terrifying part of it.

Chin up, throw your arms wide open and let it be so.

Donna Ashworth, author 

With love, joy and gratitude,